Dear, Dear Essie.
You are not defective...she is. You have been a threat to her since the day you were born. She has always been afraid you could dethrone her and has been hell bent on showing the world how bad you are. She truely has lead a miserable life. You aren't 4 any more. Take back your power from her. She has never deserved an ounce of your power, she is unworthy. She is only "Super"anything to prove to herself and try to show other how good she is. Stand up to the dragon, it shall set you free. She has no power, even to herself. She can't even go straight to you, she must poison all the people in your circle to get to you first. YOU HAVE THE POWER not her. Please don't waste one more second of your life on doubting that. YOU ARE GOOD, she is just trying to be.